f you really do think it’s okay to reply as lukeprog did here, when I would think you’d be the first person to criticize the tone of “okay I’ll fix it but I’m going to mock your concern”, then I’ll be sure to keep that in mind for my future interaction with you—but I doubt you actually think that.
I wouldn’t actually be the first person to criticize that tone; I care much more about the effort to make the fix than the mockery. I’d rather the mockery not happen, of course, but for example, if you were to tell me, “I’m sorry that you find reading my arguments hurts your fee-fees, poor blossom; in the future I’ll make an effort to question my inferences about other people’s motivations and states of mind,” I’d totally let the former part of the statement slide in light of the latter.
I wouldn’t actually be the first person to criticize that tone; I care much more about the effort to make the fix than the mockery. I’d rather the mockery not happen, of course, but for example, if you were to tell me, “I’m sorry that you find reading my arguments hurts your fee-fees, poor blossom; in the future I’ll make an effort to question my inferences about other people’s motivations and states of mind,” I’d totally let the former part of the statement slide in light of the latter.