I want to double down on write more. Writing more has helped be become a better speaker, mostly for the reasons mentioned elsewhere in this thread, such as learning to formulate complete thoughts and structure thinking so that one sentence connects to another to form a chain of reasoning.
One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is learning to shut up. Shut up. Even when it means that there will be an awkward silence. Let your thoughts form fully, and only after they’re complete, speak. Remember the ancient proverb: ’tis better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt. In my experience, a significant portion of people seeming inarticulate comes from their rushing to get their thoughts out of their head in order to fill “dead air”.
I want to double down on write more. Writing more has helped be become a better speaker, mostly for the reasons mentioned elsewhere in this thread, such as learning to formulate complete thoughts and structure thinking so that one sentence connects to another to form a chain of reasoning.
One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is learning to shut up. Shut up. Even when it means that there will be an awkward silence. Let your thoughts form fully, and only after they’re complete, speak. Remember the ancient proverb: ’tis better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt. In my experience, a significant portion of people seeming inarticulate comes from their rushing to get their thoughts out of their head in order to fill “dead air”.