We’ve done some non-ritualized group therapy sessions at the New York meetup, which seem similar. I’m interested in running something closer to what you describe here, and see if it feels noticeably different.
We also recently started something partly based on the New York group therapy sessions. (Huh, we should do a writeup of that, too. I’d love to see a writeup of what you guys are doing.)
This felt very different. There’s a difference between something that you want to spend 90 minutes talking about with people and something that you just kind of want your friends to know about you. So people were willing to say a wider variety of things, and more people were willing to speak, than would probably do so in a longer and more specific session.
Do you anticipate it would work well again if you repeated it with the same people? (I suppose with a year in between them there may be new things to bring up. I’m curious how well it’ll work as a permanent yearly thing)
Yes, I would expect it to work fine. People said between 1 and 3 things about themselves. This session probably was where people said the things they most wanted to get off their chests, but I would expect people to have more than 3 things that they might want their friends to know about themselves.
Glad this went really well!
We’ve done some non-ritualized group therapy sessions at the New York meetup, which seem similar. I’m interested in running something closer to what you describe here, and see if it feels noticeably different.
We also recently started something partly based on the New York group therapy sessions. (Huh, we should do a writeup of that, too. I’d love to see a writeup of what you guys are doing.)
This felt very different. There’s a difference between something that you want to spend 90 minutes talking about with people and something that you just kind of want your friends to know about you. So people were willing to say a wider variety of things, and more people were willing to speak, than would probably do so in a longer and more specific session.
Do you anticipate it would work well again if you repeated it with the same people? (I suppose with a year in between them there may be new things to bring up. I’m curious how well it’ll work as a permanent yearly thing)
Yes, I would expect it to work fine. People said between 1 and 3 things about themselves. This session probably was where people said the things they most wanted to get off their chests, but I would expect people to have more than 3 things that they might want their friends to know about themselves.
In a year? Probably, although that’s mostly a guess. If I did it again now, I wouldn’t have much to say.