[Question] How Should We Use Limited Time to Maximize Long-Term Impact?

I’ve been reflecting on how researchers—particularly those with limited time or resources—can best contribute to influencing the long-term future.

Assumption: Individually, we may not have the resources to fund large projects, but we still want to make contributions that move the needle, however slightly.

I approach this question with epistemic humility—recognizing that predicting long-term impact is incredibly difficult—and with humility about our own limitations. I am personally guided by two key principles:

  • Asymmetry of suffering and joy: I believe that one conscious being enduring astronomical suffering (assuming that is a coherent concept) can potentially outweigh arbitrary numbers of others experiencing joy. This idea shapes where I think our focus should be.

  • Alignment challenge: Aligning AGI/​ASI with any prescribed value system will be incredibly difficult. I do not subscribe to the view that human values are a reasonable target, given that our current systems already perpetuate (needlessly) enormous suffering (e.g., factory farming, extreme inequality).

Much has already been impressively written about these topics, and I’m particularly interested in mitigating s-risks, since reducing the chance of such suffering seems more urgent than pursuing joy-maximizing goals. However, many of us—whether due to health, time, or other constraints—are left wondering how to allocate our remaining time wisely.

My personal context: I have stage 4 cancer, so statistically, my time may be more limited than most. I’m a PhD student in Computer Science with a strong background in math (Masters). Given my situation, I’m especially interested in how those of us with limited time or resources can still make non-negligible contributions to reducing s-risks and positively shaping the long-term future.

What I’m asking for: How should we, as researchers or contributors with limited time, focus our efforts to maximize our positive impact? Are there specific areas of research or actions that seem particularly high-leverage for reducing future suffering on an astronomical scale?

Finally, I’m aware that this topic has been discussed extensively, and I’d be grateful for any links to relevant resources or existing discussions that cover this ground. My goal is not to waste anyone’s time, as I’m not deeply well-read on the full body of literature. Any guidance, new or old, would be greatly appreciated.