Yeah, absolutely. When I was learning to walk again after my stroke, it was very easy for me to choke… not least of which because my working memory and general executive functioning was seriously impaired. I distinctly remember on one occasion missing the floor with my foot—that is, I tried to take a step, and my right foot went “swish” over the floor without touching it. I learned a bunch of tricks for subverting that, all of which essentially boiled down to “stop thinking so much and just walk!”
Yeah, absolutely. When I was learning to walk again after my stroke, it was very easy for me to choke… not least of which because my working memory and general executive functioning was seriously impaired. I distinctly remember on one occasion missing the floor with my foot—that is, I tried to take a step, and my right foot went “swish” over the floor without touching it. I learned a bunch of tricks for subverting that, all of which essentially boiled down to “stop thinking so much and just walk!”