And: Sometimes it doesn’t creep! I just had a gigantic upswing of karma and an equally dramatic downswing in the space of a few hours (on the order of fifty points in each direction). It doesn’t seem to be my latest comments that are getting adjusted, and I would just love to know what is generating such strong opinions.
As I mentioned elsewhere: recent karma changes to posts and comments.
Also, a ‘preview’ feature for comments would be nice.
Seconded. It’s a little frustrating when my karma creeps up or down and I have to guess what’s getting the approval/disapproval.
And: Sometimes it doesn’t creep! I just had a gigantic upswing of karma and an equally dramatic downswing in the space of a few hours (on the order of fifty points in each direction). It doesn’t seem to be my latest comments that are getting adjusted, and I would just love to know what is generating such strong opinions.