I agree with Richard that we should respect the fact that philosophers have spilled a lot of ink on the consciousness question; we should read them and respond to their arguments. We should have at least one post devoted to this topic. But after doing so, I’m betting I’ll still mainly agree with Eliezer.
Richard, I don’t think Eliezer conflated reasoning with observing your own brain—he just suggested that simple Bayesian reasoning based on observing your own brain gets you pretty much all the conclusions you need from most other “reasoning.”
I agree with Richard that we should respect the fact that philosophers have spilled a lot of ink on the consciousness question; we should read them and respond to their arguments. We should have at least one post devoted to this topic. But after doing so, I’m betting I’ll still mainly agree with Eliezer.
Richard, I don’t think Eliezer conflated reasoning with observing your own brain—he just suggested that simple Bayesian reasoning based on observing your own brain gets you pretty much all the conclusions you need from most other “reasoning.”