Thanks! Both your own article and the link were pretty good. Interestingly my situation resolved, I just kept my attention on the emotion, and one day something happened that made it crystal clear to me what the right course was. A long time friend and formely one of my closest friends treated me like shit, and suddenly I knew that the emotion was that she had to go, and I cut contact. Since then my feelings have returned to an unexciting baseline, with no current big blindspots. I think the right play is just to keep attention on it, keep it in your periphery, until the gears click and the reason the emotion lies dormant comes into focus.
Thanks! Both your own article and the link were pretty good.
Interestingly my situation resolved, I just kept my attention on the emotion, and one day something happened that made it crystal clear to me what the right course was. A long time friend and formely one of my closest friends treated me like shit, and suddenly I knew that the emotion was that she had to go, and I cut contact. Since then my feelings have returned to an unexciting baseline, with no current big blindspots.
I think the right play is just to keep attention on it, keep it in your periphery, until the gears click and the reason the emotion lies dormant comes into focus.