The correlation between “bothers to have an opinion on correctness of others’ writing” and “knows what the correct answer actually is” seems too high.
(Edit: I’m reading between the lines and assuming you’re saying you think the cohort of people who actually care enough about faze/phase to be judgemental about it, but don’t themselves know the correct spelling is ‘faze’, is small.)
This is very interesting. I certainly agree this is our point of difference – I think there’s a big cohort out there with strong, judgey opinions about ‘correctness’ and an active interest in spelling and grammar as a way of displaying status. These people also happen to very frequently be wrong.
But this might well me me typical minding and I’ll try to think about this group more rigorously in my next post about this.
This is very interesting. I certainly agree this is our point of difference – I think there’s a big cohort out there with strong, judgey opinions about ‘correctness’ and an active interest in spelling and grammar as a way of displaying status. These people also happen to very frequently be wrong.
But this might well me me typical minding and I’ll try to think about this group more rigorously in my next post about this.