“Bringing in the agency (Ai→Ui)→Ai of both players leads to cycle. This cycle does not make sense unless the agency arrows are lossy in some way, so as to not be able to create a contradiction. ”
I’m definitely missing something here—and may be thinking of things incorrectly here. Isn’t a contradiction inherent in a cycle behavior? I’m thinking about things like voting cycles events where preferences are multi-peaked resulting in shifting majorities.
Is the “lossy” point just saying in such a cycle we have rules about pairing the alternatives that are then voted for and once one alternative has lost then it’s out of the set for future votes?
Am I thinking of this the right way (even if putting it in a bit of a different context)?
“Bringing in the agency (Ai→Ui)→Ai of both players leads to cycle. This cycle does not make sense unless the agency arrows are lossy in some way, so as to not be able to create a contradiction. ”
I’m definitely missing something here—and may be thinking of things incorrectly here. Isn’t a contradiction inherent in a cycle behavior? I’m thinking about things like voting cycles events where preferences are multi-peaked resulting in shifting majorities.
Is the “lossy” point just saying in such a cycle we have rules about pairing the alternatives that are then voted for and once one alternative has lost then it’s out of the set for future votes?
Am I thinking of this the right way (even if putting it in a bit of a different context)?