The label “RSP” isn’t perfect but it’s kinda established now. My friends all call things like this “RSPs.” . . . I predict change in terminology will happen ~iff it’s attempted by METR or multiple frontier labs together. For now, I claim we should debate terminology occasionally but follow standard usage when trying to actually communicate.
I don’t think the term is established, except within a small circle of EA/AIS people. The vast majority of policymakers do not know what RSPs are– they do know what “voluntary commitments” are.
(We might just disagree here, doesn’t seem like it’s worth a big back-and-forth.)
Quoting me from last time you said this:
I don’t think the term is established, except within a small circle of EA/AIS people. The vast majority of policymakers do not know what RSPs are– they do know what “voluntary commitments” are.
(We might just disagree here, doesn’t seem like it’s worth a big back-and-forth.)