Very nice post. One comment I’d add is that I have always been under the assumption by the time AGI is here many of the things you say it would need time to create humans will have already achieved. I’m pretty sure we will have fully automated factories, autonomous military robots that are novel in close quarters, and near perfect physics simulations, etc by the time AGI is achieved.
Take the robots here for example. I think an AGI could potentially start making rapid advancements with the robots shown here:
15-20 years from now do you really think an AGI would need do much alteration to the top Chinese or American AI technologies?
Very nice post. One comment I’d add is that I have always been under the assumption by the time AGI is here many of the things you say it would need time to create humans will have already achieved. I’m pretty sure we will have fully automated factories, autonomous military robots that are novel in close quarters, and near perfect physics simulations, etc by the time AGI is achieved.
Take the robots here for example. I think an AGI could potentially start making rapid advancements with the robots shown here:
15-20 years from now do you really think an AGI would need do much alteration to the top Chinese or American AI technologies?