You’re making two separate assumptions here, both found in the field of computational complexity:
That an AGI can simulate the physical systems perfectly, i.e. physical systems are computable processes.
That an AGI can simulate the physical systems efficiently, i.e. either P = NP, or for some reason all of these interesting problems that the AGI is solving are NOT known to be isomorphic to some NP-hard problem.
For (1), it might suffice to show that some physical system can be approximated by some algorithm, even if the true system is not known to be computable. Computability is a property of formal systems.
It is an open question if all real world physical processes are computable. Turing machines are described using natural numbers and discrete time steps. Real world phenomena rely on real numbers and continuous time. Arguments that all physical processes are computable are based on discretizing everything down to the Planck time, length, mass, temperature, and then assuming determinism.
This axiom tends to come as given if you already believe the “computable universe” hypothesis, “digital physics”, or “Church-Turing-Deutsch” principle is true. In those hypotheses, the entire universe can be simulated by a Turing machine.
There are examples of problems that are currently not known to be computable in the general case. For example, the chaotic N-body problems in physics, or undecidable problems in logic like Hilbert’s tenth problem.
But in 20 years, an AGI running on a giant compute farm might both write more efficient simulation codes and have enough compute to power them
For (2), there is a lack of appreciation for the “exponential blowup” often seen in trying to solve many interesting problems optimally. When we say it is not efficient to solve some problem N optimally, there’s a wide range of ways to interpret that statement:
It’s not feasible to solve the problem on your desktop within 1 year.
It’s not feasible to solve the problem on the local university’s super-computing cluster within 1 year.
It’s not feasible to solve the problem on the USA’s best super-computing clusters within 1 year.
It’s not feasible to solve the problem on the world’s compute resources within 1 year.
It’s not feasible to solve the problem with compute resources on the scale of the solar system within 1 year.
Here, for instance, is the famous quote by Paul Erdős regarding Ramsey numbers:
Suppose aliens invade the earth and threaten to obliterate it in a year’s time unless human beings can find the Ramsey number for red five and blue five. We could marshal the world’s best minds and fastest computers, and within a year we could probably calculate the value. If the aliens demanded the Ramsey number for red six and blue six, however, we would have no choice but to launch a preemptive attack.
If I had to rank the beliefs by most to least suspect, this would be near the top of the “most suspect” section. We are already aware of many problems that are computable, but not efficiently. We can see complexity classes like NP or EXPTIME in many real world problems, such as chess, Go, traveling salesman, and so forth. We also have problems that we think aren’t NP, but we haven’t found an algorithm in P yet, like graph isomorphism or integer factorization.
Most measures we can use for ranking people by their respective intelligence, e.g. math proofs, skill at competitive games, mental math, finding solutions to problems with tricky constraints, and so forth are examples of solving problems that we know are isomorphic to NP-hard or EXPTIME problems. So it seems to follow that a hypothetical algorithm (let’s call it “general intelligence”) that could solve all of the above in some optimal manner would be problematic for a digital computer.
When we write a program that can solve those types of problems, we have 2 options.
The first option is to try and solve it for some optimal solution. This is where the complexity classes bite us. We don’t know how to do this for many real world problems in an efficient manner. If we did, then we’d have a proof for P=NP, and whoever came up with that proof could get a check for 1 million dollars from the Clay Institute.
The second option, and the one we actually use, is to use an algorithm that can find any solution, and then to terminate that algorithm once a solution is “good” enough. For some algorithms, called “approximation algorithms”, we can even prove a bound on how close our “good” solution is to the optimal solution. This is called “optimality”. When we train neural networks, those neural networks learn heuristics that often find “good” solutions, but those random or probabilistic algorithms don’t have guarantees on optimality. This last point is often confused by stating that it’s possible to show a training process has resulted in an optimal configuration of a neural network. That is a subtle and different point. Saying that a neural network has the optimal configuration to decide A → B is not the same as saying that B is the optimal solution for A.
This is basically arguing that the concept of “bounded rationality” is a necessary precondition for efficiently running the hypothetical algorithm of “general intelligence”. If true, all of the normal limits and weaknesses we see in human rationality, like biases, heuristics, or fallacies would be expected within any hypothetical AI/ML system that demonstrates “general intelligence” under reasonable time constraints.
How much this matters depends on how strongly you believe in the power of simulation-focused “general intelligence”. For example, if you believe that the key distinguishing factor of an AI/ML system is that it will be able to simulate the universe and thus accurately predict outcomes with near-perfect probability, or do the same for protein folding such that the simulation of proposed protein is 100% accurate when that same protein is synthesized in real life, then you’ve implicitly subscribed to some form of this belief where the AI/ML system returns results quickly that are not just “good”, but indeed “optimal”.
We can look at AlphaFold—a monumental advance in protein folding—for an example of what this looks like in practice. I’ll refer to the post[1] by Dr. AlQuraishi discussing the accuracy and limitations of AlphaFold. The important point is that while AlphaFold can predict proteins with high accuracy, it is not perfect. Sometimes the calculation of how a protein would fold is still wildly different from how it actually folds. This is exactly what we’d expect from fast, efficient, and reasonably good solvers that have no guarantee on optimality. I don’t want this point to be misunderstood. AI/ML systems are the cause of huge leaps in our understanding and capabilities within various domains. But they have not replaced the need for actual experimentation.
We can argue that an AI/ML system doesn’t need to approximate solutions, and it will simply perform the inefficient computations for optimality, because it has the hardware or compute resources to do so. This is fine. We can write optimal solvers for NP-hard problems. We can also calculate how long they will take to run on certain inputs, given certain hardware. We can ask how parallelizable the algorithm is by looking at Amdahl’s law. What we’ll discover if we do these calculations is that the computation of the optimal solution for these NP-hard or EXPTIME problems becomes non-feasible to compute with any realistic amount of compute power. By realistic amount, I mean “a solar system worth of material devoted solely to computing still cannot provide optimal solutions within the time-span of a human life even on distressingly small inputs for NP-hard problems”.
There is another argument that gets made for this belief, one where we replace the digital computer or Turing machine with a hypothetical quantum computer. I don’t have a problem with this argument either, except to note that if we accept this rewording, many downstream assumptions about the AI/ML systems ability to scale in hardware go out of the window. The existence of the AWS cloud or billions of desktop home computers networked to the Internet is irrelevant if your AI/ML system is only efficient when run on a quantum computer. The counter-argument is that a Turing machine can simulate a quantum computer. Yes—but can it do so efficiently? This is the whole reason for the “quantum supremacy” argument. If “quantum supremacy” is true, then a Turing machine, even if it can simulate a quantum computer, cannot do so efficiently. In that world, the AI/ML system is still bottlenecked to a real quantum computer platform. Furthermore, a quantum computer is not magically capable of solving any arbitrary problems faster than a classical computer. While there are some problems that a quantum computer could provably solve faster than a classical computer if P != NP, such as integer factorization, it is not true that a quantum computer can solve arbitrary NP-hard problems efficiently.
Another motivating example we can look at here are things like weather prediction or circuit simulation. In both scenarios, we have a very good understanding of the physical laws that the systems obey. We also have very good simulations for these physical laws. The reason why it’s computationally expensive for a digital computer to simulate these systems is because the real processes are continuous, while the simulated process uses some time delta (usually referred to as dT in code) between discrete steps of the simulation.
For complicated, physical processes, the algorithm that can simulate that process can be made arbitrarily close to the real world measurement of that process, but only by reducing dT. With each reduction in dT, the algorithm takes longer to run. If we want to avoid the increase in wall time, we need to find a way to break up the problem into some type of sub-problem that can be parallelized on independent compute units, and then reduce dT on those sub-problems. If we can’t do that, because the problem has some tricky global behavior like the N-body problem alluded to above, we have to accept limitations on how accurate our results are for the given wall time we can afford.
In electrical engineering, this is the tradeoff that an electrical engineer makes when they’re designing hardware. They can request quick & fast simulations for sanity checks during iterative development. The fast simulations might run at higher dT values, or they might use simplifying assumptions for circuit behavior. Then, prior to sending a board to be manufactured, they can run a much longer and detailed simulation. The longer solution might take hours or days to run. For this reason, the EE might only run the detailed simulation on the most critical part of a piece of hardware, and assume that the rest will work as predicted by other simulation or design work. This tradeoff means that there is a risk when the real hardware is manufactured that it does not work as intended, e.g. due to an unexpected RF effect.
For a concrete example of this tradeoff, Nvidia recently announced that they’ve been able to speed up a certain calculation that takes 3 hours with a traditional tool to only 3 seconds using an AI/ML system. The AI/ML system is 94% accurate. This is a huge win for day-to-day iterative work, but you’d still want to run the most accurate simulation you can (even if it takes hours or days!) before going to manufacturing, where the lead time on manufacturing might be weeks or months.
The final point I’d like to discuss is arguments where a superintelligent AI/ML system can predict far into the future & therefore exploit the actions of an arbitrary number of other actors.
I have referred to this point in discussion among friends as the “strong Psychohistory assumption”. Psychohistory is a fictional science conceptualized in the novel Foundation by Isaac Asimov. The idea of psychohistory is that a sufficiently intelligent actor can predict the actions of others (tangent: in the context of the novels it only applies to “large groups”) into the future at an accuracy that allows one to run circles around them in a competitive scenario. In Foundation, the fictional stakes play out over thousands of years. This problem, and others like it, are reducible to the same complexity concerns above. Unless “general intelligence” is able to be efficiently simulated, there’s no reason to expect a superintelligent AI/ML system to be able to make perfect predictions into the future. Without this assumed trait, many takeoff strategies for intelligent AI/ML systems are not sound. They rely, implicitly or explicitly, on the intelligent AI/ML system being able to control individual humans and the society around them like a puppeteer and their puppets.
The conclusion that I’d like for you to consider is that AI/ML systems will produce astonishingly efficient, reasonably good solutions to arbitrary tasks—but at no point will that invalidate the need for actual, iterative experimentation in the real world, without making an expensive trade between wall time required for simulation vs the accuracy of that simulation.
Or, to try and phrase this another way, an AI/ML system that is 99% accurate at throwing a twenty-sided die to achieve a desired result can still roll a critical failure.
It seems like you’re relying on the existence of exponentially hard problems to mean that taking over the world is going to BE an exponentially hard problem. But you don’t need to solve every problem. You just need to take over the world.
Like, okay, the three body problem is ‘incomputable’ in the sense that it has chaotically sensitive dependence on initial conditions in many cases. So… don’t rely on specific behavior in those cases on long time horizons without the ability to do small adjustments to keep things on track.
If the AI can detect most of the hard cases and avoid relying on them, and include robustness by having multiple alternate mechanisms and backup plans, even just 94% success on arbitrary problems could translate into better than that on an overall solution.
This was specifically responding to the claim that an AI could solve problems without trial and error by perfectly simulating them, which I think it does a pretty reasonable job of shooting down.
That was extracted from a much larger work I’ve been writing for the past 2 months. The above is less than ~10% of what I’ve written on the topic, and it goes much further than simulation problems. I am also trying to correct misunderstandings around distributed computation, hardware vs software inefficiency, improvements in performance from algorithmic gains, this community’s accepted definition for “intelligence”, the necessity or inevitability of self-improving systems, etc.
I’ll post it when done but in the meantime I’m just tossing various bits & pieces of it into debate wherever I see an opening to do so.
You’re making two separate assumptions here, both found in the field of computational complexity:
That an AGI can simulate the physical systems perfectly, i.e. physical systems are computable processes.
That an AGI can simulate the physical systems efficiently, i.e. either P = NP, or for some reason all of these interesting problems that the AGI is solving are NOT known to be isomorphic to some NP-hard problem.
For (1), it might suffice to show that some physical system can be approximated by some algorithm, even if the true system is not known to be computable. Computability is a property of formal systems.
It is an open question if all real world physical processes are computable. Turing machines are described using natural numbers and discrete time steps. Real world phenomena rely on real numbers and continuous time. Arguments that all physical processes are computable are based on discretizing everything down to the Planck time, length, mass, temperature, and then assuming determinism.
This axiom tends to come as given if you already believe the “computable universe” hypothesis, “digital physics”, or “Church-Turing-Deutsch” principle is true. In those hypotheses, the entire universe can be simulated by a Turing machine.
There are examples of problems that are currently not known to be computable in the general case. For example, the chaotic N-body problems in physics, or undecidable problems in logic like Hilbert’s tenth problem.
For (2), there is a lack of appreciation for the “exponential blowup” often seen in trying to solve many interesting problems optimally. When we say it is not efficient to solve some problem N optimally, there’s a wide range of ways to interpret that statement:
It’s not feasible to solve the problem on your desktop within 1 year.
It’s not feasible to solve the problem on the local university’s super-computing cluster within 1 year.
It’s not feasible to solve the problem on the USA’s best super-computing clusters within 1 year.
It’s not feasible to solve the problem on the world’s compute resources within 1 year.
It’s not feasible to solve the problem with compute resources on the scale of the solar system within 1 year.
Here, for instance, is the famous quote by Paul Erdős regarding Ramsey numbers:
If I had to rank the beliefs by most to least suspect, this would be near the top of the “most suspect” section. We are already aware of many problems that are computable, but not efficiently. We can see complexity classes like NP or EXPTIME in many real world problems, such as chess, Go, traveling salesman, and so forth. We also have problems that we think aren’t NP, but we haven’t found an algorithm in P yet, like graph isomorphism or integer factorization.
Most measures we can use for ranking people by their respective intelligence, e.g. math proofs, skill at competitive games, mental math, finding solutions to problems with tricky constraints, and so forth are examples of solving problems that we know are isomorphic to NP-hard or EXPTIME problems. So it seems to follow that a hypothetical algorithm (let’s call it “general intelligence”) that could solve all of the above in some optimal manner would be problematic for a digital computer.
When we write a program that can solve those types of problems, we have 2 options.
The first option is to try and solve it for some optimal solution. This is where the complexity classes bite us. We don’t know how to do this for many real world problems in an efficient manner. If we did, then we’d have a proof for P=NP, and whoever came up with that proof could get a check for 1 million dollars from the Clay Institute.
The second option, and the one we actually use, is to use an algorithm that can find any solution, and then to terminate that algorithm once a solution is “good” enough. For some algorithms, called “approximation algorithms”, we can even prove a bound on how close our “good” solution is to the optimal solution. This is called “optimality”. When we train neural networks, those neural networks learn heuristics that often find “good” solutions, but those random or probabilistic algorithms don’t have guarantees on optimality. This last point is often confused by stating that it’s possible to show a training process has resulted in an optimal configuration of a neural network. That is a subtle and different point. Saying that a neural network has the optimal configuration to decide A → B is not the same as saying that B is the optimal solution for A.
This is basically arguing that the concept of “bounded rationality” is a necessary precondition for efficiently running the hypothetical algorithm of “general intelligence”. If true, all of the normal limits and weaknesses we see in human rationality, like biases, heuristics, or fallacies would be expected within any hypothetical AI/ML system that demonstrates “general intelligence” under reasonable time constraints.
How much this matters depends on how strongly you believe in the power of simulation-focused “general intelligence”. For example, if you believe that the key distinguishing factor of an AI/ML system is that it will be able to simulate the universe and thus accurately predict outcomes with near-perfect probability, or do the same for protein folding such that the simulation of proposed protein is 100% accurate when that same protein is synthesized in real life, then you’ve implicitly subscribed to some form of this belief where the AI/ML system returns results quickly that are not just “good”, but indeed “optimal”.
We can look at AlphaFold—a monumental advance in protein folding—for an example of what this looks like in practice. I’ll refer to the post[1] by Dr. AlQuraishi discussing the accuracy and limitations of AlphaFold. The important point is that while AlphaFold can predict proteins with high accuracy, it is not perfect. Sometimes the calculation of how a protein would fold is still wildly different from how it actually folds. This is exactly what we’d expect from fast, efficient, and reasonably good solvers that have no guarantee on optimality. I don’t want this point to be misunderstood. AI/ML systems are the cause of huge leaps in our understanding and capabilities within various domains. But they have not replaced the need for actual experimentation.
We can argue that an AI/ML system doesn’t need to approximate solutions, and it will simply perform the inefficient computations for optimality, because it has the hardware or compute resources to do so. This is fine. We can write optimal solvers for NP-hard problems. We can also calculate how long they will take to run on certain inputs, given certain hardware. We can ask how parallelizable the algorithm is by looking at Amdahl’s law. What we’ll discover if we do these calculations is that the computation of the optimal solution for these NP-hard or EXPTIME problems becomes non-feasible to compute with any realistic amount of compute power. By realistic amount, I mean “a solar system worth of material devoted solely to computing still cannot provide optimal solutions within the time-span of a human life even on distressingly small inputs for NP-hard problems”.
There is another argument that gets made for this belief, one where we replace the digital computer or Turing machine with a hypothetical quantum computer. I don’t have a problem with this argument either, except to note that if we accept this rewording, many downstream assumptions about the AI/ML systems ability to scale in hardware go out of the window. The existence of the AWS cloud or billions of desktop home computers networked to the Internet is irrelevant if your AI/ML system is only efficient when run on a quantum computer. The counter-argument is that a Turing machine can simulate a quantum computer. Yes—but can it do so efficiently? This is the whole reason for the “quantum supremacy” argument. If “quantum supremacy” is true, then a Turing machine, even if it can simulate a quantum computer, cannot do so efficiently. In that world, the AI/ML system is still bottlenecked to a real quantum computer platform. Furthermore, a quantum computer is not magically capable of solving any arbitrary problems faster than a classical computer. While there are some problems that a quantum computer could provably solve faster than a classical computer if P != NP, such as integer factorization, it is not true that a quantum computer can solve arbitrary NP-hard problems efficiently.
Another motivating example we can look at here are things like weather prediction or circuit simulation. In both scenarios, we have a very good understanding of the physical laws that the systems obey. We also have very good simulations for these physical laws. The reason why it’s computationally expensive for a digital computer to simulate these systems is because the real processes are continuous, while the simulated process uses some time delta (usually referred to as dT in code) between discrete steps of the simulation.
For complicated, physical processes, the algorithm that can simulate that process can be made arbitrarily close to the real world measurement of that process, but only by reducing dT. With each reduction in dT, the algorithm takes longer to run. If we want to avoid the increase in wall time, we need to find a way to break up the problem into some type of sub-problem that can be parallelized on independent compute units, and then reduce dT on those sub-problems. If we can’t do that, because the problem has some tricky global behavior like the N-body problem alluded to above, we have to accept limitations on how accurate our results are for the given wall time we can afford.
In electrical engineering, this is the tradeoff that an electrical engineer makes when they’re designing hardware. They can request quick & fast simulations for sanity checks during iterative development. The fast simulations might run at higher dT values, or they might use simplifying assumptions for circuit behavior. Then, prior to sending a board to be manufactured, they can run a much longer and detailed simulation. The longer solution might take hours or days to run. For this reason, the EE might only run the detailed simulation on the most critical part of a piece of hardware, and assume that the rest will work as predicted by other simulation or design work. This tradeoff means that there is a risk when the real hardware is manufactured that it does not work as intended, e.g. due to an unexpected RF effect.
For a concrete example of this tradeoff, Nvidia recently announced that they’ve been able to speed up a certain calculation that takes 3 hours with a traditional tool to only 3 seconds using an AI/ML system. The AI/ML system is 94% accurate. This is a huge win for day-to-day iterative work, but you’d still want to run the most accurate simulation you can (even if it takes hours or days!) before going to manufacturing, where the lead time on manufacturing might be weeks or months.
The final point I’d like to discuss is arguments where a superintelligent AI/ML system can predict far into the future & therefore exploit the actions of an arbitrary number of other actors.
I have referred to this point in discussion among friends as the “strong Psychohistory assumption”. Psychohistory is a fictional science conceptualized in the novel Foundation by Isaac Asimov. The idea of psychohistory is that a sufficiently intelligent actor can predict the actions of others (tangent: in the context of the novels it only applies to “large groups”) into the future at an accuracy that allows one to run circles around them in a competitive scenario. In Foundation, the fictional stakes play out over thousands of years. This problem, and others like it, are reducible to the same complexity concerns above. Unless “general intelligence” is able to be efficiently simulated, there’s no reason to expect a superintelligent AI/ML system to be able to make perfect predictions into the future. Without this assumed trait, many takeoff strategies for intelligent AI/ML systems are not sound. They rely, implicitly or explicitly, on the intelligent AI/ML system being able to control individual humans and the society around them like a puppeteer and their puppets.
The conclusion that I’d like for you to consider is that AI/ML systems will produce astonishingly efficient, reasonably good solutions to arbitrary tasks—but at no point will that invalidate the need for actual, iterative experimentation in the real world, without making an expensive trade between wall time required for simulation vs the accuracy of that simulation.
Or, to try and phrase this another way, an AI/ML system that is 99% accurate at throwing a twenty-sided die to achieve a desired result can still roll a critical failure.
It seems like you’re relying on the existence of exponentially hard problems to mean that taking over the world is going to BE an exponentially hard problem. But you don’t need to solve every problem. You just need to take over the world.
Like, okay, the three body problem is ‘incomputable’ in the sense that it has chaotically sensitive dependence on initial conditions in many cases. So… don’t rely on specific behavior in those cases on long time horizons without the ability to do small adjustments to keep things on track.
If the AI can detect most of the hard cases and avoid relying on them, and include robustness by having multiple alternate mechanisms and backup plans, even just 94% success on arbitrary problems could translate into better than that on an overall solution.
This was specifically responding to the claim that an AI could solve problems without trial and error by perfectly simulating them, which I think it does a pretty reasonable job of shooting down.
This deserves to be a whole post. You brought up points I, at least, had never considered before.
You should make a separate post on “Can AGI just simulate the physical world?”. Will make it easier to find and reference in the future.
That was extracted from a much larger work I’ve been writing for the past 2 months. The above is less than ~10% of what I’ve written on the topic, and it goes much further than simulation problems. I am also trying to correct misunderstandings around distributed computation, hardware vs software inefficiency, improvements in performance from algorithmic gains, this community’s accepted definition for “intelligence”, the necessity or inevitability of self-improving systems, etc.
I’ll post it when done but in the meantime I’m just tossing various bits & pieces of it into debate wherever I see an opening to do so.