Specifying an entire world by listing every single thing you want to be included in it would take a very long time. Most worlds complex enough to be interesting are far too complicated to talk about in that manner.
Perhaps it would be more efficient to list the specific things you want to be excluded. Presumably the set of things you object to is far smaller than those you prefer or are neutral towards.
False dichotomy. You could also specify an algorithm which, when supplied with a thing as input, produces at output either “include” or “exclude”. There may also be more options than “include” and “exclude” per thing; for example, some things could appear only under certain conditions, or with a probability not equal to zero or one. Things that are included can also occur at different relative rates.
Specifying an entire world by listing every single thing you want to be included in it would take a very long time. Most worlds complex enough to be interesting are far too complicated to talk about in that manner.
Perhaps it would be more efficient to list the specific things you want to be excluded. Presumably the set of things you object to is far smaller than those you prefer or are neutral towards.
False dichotomy. You could also specify an algorithm which, when supplied with a thing as input, produces at output either “include” or “exclude”. There may also be more options than “include” and “exclude” per thing; for example, some things could appear only under certain conditions, or with a probability not equal to zero or one. Things that are included can also occur at different relative rates.