Starvation though. Apparently Afghanistan heavily depends on food imports, provided by mostly western funding.
So the “natural” equilibrium would be famines that kill a chunk of the population, then it gets replaced by the high R factor women, then another famine and so on. Waves of these things. Other patrons may support Afghanistan and prevent the famine with food imports, however.
We will see in Afghanistan whether banning contraception is one of those viable policies to inflate fertility.
Starvation though. Apparently Afghanistan heavily depends on food imports, provided by mostly western funding.
So the “natural” equilibrium would be famines that kill a chunk of the population, then it gets replaced by the high R factor women, then another famine and so on. Waves of these things. Other patrons may support Afghanistan and prevent the famine with food imports, however.
They are looking to China, perhaps, as a new patron.