Indeed, but insofar as this bonding function enhances IGF then this actually makes it an even more impressive example of alignment to evolution’s true goal. I know that there are a bunch of potential evolutionary rationales proposed for homosexuality but I personally haven’t studied it in depth nor are any super convincing to me so I’m just assuming the worst-case scenario for evolution here.
i.e. if evolution has precisely titrated the percentage of homosexuality etc so as to maximise IGF taking into account benefits of bonding, additional childcare, group selection etc, then this is actually evidence for evolution achieving a much greater level of alignment than otherwise!
What is evolution’s true goal? If it’s genetic fitness, then I don’t see how this demonstrates alignment. Human sexuality is still just an imperfect proxy, and doesn’t point at the base objective at all.
I agree that it’s very interesting how robust this is to the environment we grow up in, and I would expect there to be valuable lessons here for how value formation happens (and how we can control this process in machines).
Indeed, but insofar as this bonding function enhances IGF then this actually makes it an even more impressive example of alignment to evolution’s true goal. I know that there are a bunch of potential evolutionary rationales proposed for homosexuality but I personally haven’t studied it in depth nor are any super convincing to me so I’m just assuming the worst-case scenario for evolution here.
i.e. if evolution has precisely titrated the percentage of homosexuality etc so as to maximise IGF taking into account benefits of bonding, additional childcare, group selection etc, then this is actually evidence for evolution achieving a much greater level of alignment than otherwise!
What is evolution’s true goal? If it’s genetic fitness, then I don’t see how this demonstrates alignment. Human sexuality is still just an imperfect proxy, and doesn’t point at the base objective at all.
I agree that it’s very interesting how robust this is to the environment we grow up in, and I would expect there to be valuable lessons here for how value formation happens (and how we can control this process in machines).