I did not write the grandparent to insult Alephwyr. For instance, I wrote “I downvoted you” because I felt an obligation to prevent scenarios where somebody is strongly downvoted and doesn’t know why. You began your reply in the same way, but the grandfather has positive karma, so you can’t have meant the same thing. Either there is a misunderstanding, or you are mocking me, or you consider “I downvoted you because” to be purely antagonistic and are retaliating in kind, etc.
I agree with you, now, that Alephwyr could be joking. (Or insane or trolling. “He is either mad or writing poetry.”) I had taken the post at face value, and my comment was an accurate description of my reasoning. I appreciate your contribution to the discussion of “what is Alephwyr’s purpose?”, and I admit that you revealed an oversight in my thinking, but I think that you are being somewhat uncharitable to see something direct and assume that it is “specifically.… pointed and insulting.”
(I am straightforward, you are to the point, he is insensitive.)
I did not write the grandparent to insult Alephwyr. For instance, I wrote “I downvoted you” because I felt an obligation to prevent scenarios where somebody is strongly downvoted and doesn’t know why. You began your reply in the same way, but the grandfather has positive karma, so you can’t have meant the same thing. Either there is a misunderstanding, or you are mocking me, or you consider “I downvoted you because” to be purely antagonistic and are retaliating in kind, etc.
I agree with you, now, that Alephwyr could be joking. (Or insane or trolling. “He is either mad or writing poetry.”) I had taken the post at face value, and my comment was an accurate description of my reasoning. I appreciate your contribution to the discussion of “what is Alephwyr’s purpose?”, and I admit that you revealed an oversight in my thinking, but I think that you are being somewhat uncharitable to see something direct and assume that it is “specifically.… pointed and insulting.”
(I am straightforward, you are to the point, he is insensitive.)