Its sequel will be written on Sunday, Oct. 27th. My plan is to spend the next week doing the same thing that I did today and then report back. I’m excited to let you all know what I find!
Its sequel will be written on Sunday, Oct. 27th.
My plan is to spend the next week doing the same thing that I did today and then report back. I’m excited to let you all know what I find!
I didn’t find a sequel—how did it go? I’ve tried this sort of thing various times, and it’s always great at first, but it’s tough to maintain.
It went very well—too well, in fact! Writing a LessWrong post did not feel alive to me, so I didn’t do it.
I didn’t find a sequel—how did it go? I’ve tried this sort of thing various times, and it’s always great at first, but it’s tough to maintain.
It went very well—too well, in fact! Writing a LessWrong post did not feel alive to me, so I didn’t do it.