I love this site. Found it when looking at a piece of crackpot science on the internet and, wondering, typed “crackpot” into google. I am trying to argue with someone who’s my nemesis in most every way, and I’m trying to do it honestly. I feel his vested interest in the preferred answer vastly biases his judgment & wonder what biases do I have, and how did they get there. You seem to address a key one I liken to tree roots, growing in deep and steadfast wherever you first happen to fall, whether it’s good ground or not.
Not unlike that analogy, I landed here first, on your post, and found it very good ground indeed.
If you want another couple threads to start exploring, one very good starting place is What Do We Mean By Rationality? and its links; then there is the massive collection of posts accumulated in the Sequences which you can pick over for interesting nuggets. A lot of posts (and comments!) will have links back to related material, both at the top and throughout the text.
Let me echo ciphergoth. The effect is broader than you might think; it was because of one of these sorts of comments that I (years later) found the introduction thread when I did.
Admittedly, most readers probably don’t start from the beginning and work their way forward. But some of us do!
I love this site. Found it when looking at a piece of crackpot science on the internet and, wondering, typed “crackpot” into google. I am trying to argue with someone who’s my nemesis in most every way, and I’m trying to do it honestly. I feel his vested interest in the preferred answer vastly biases his judgment & wonder what biases do I have, and how did they get there. You seem to address a key one I liken to tree roots, growing in deep and steadfast wherever you first happen to fall, whether it’s good ground or not.
Not unlike that analogy, I landed here first, on your post, and found it very good ground indeed.
Wecome to LessWrong!
If you want another couple threads to start exploring, one very good starting place is What Do We Mean By Rationality? and its links; then there is the massive collection of posts accumulated in the Sequences which you can pick over for interesting nuggets. A lot of posts (and comments!) will have links back to related material, both at the top and throughout the text.
Just to make it explicit: I really appreciate your “welcome” comments, they’re good for the site. Thanks.
You’re welcome! I saw some other people doing it, and thought that I should do so as well.
Let me echo ciphergoth. The effect is broader than you might think; it was because of one of these sorts of comments that I (years later) found the introduction thread when I did.
Admittedly, most readers probably don’t start from the beginning and work their way forward. But some of us do!