Oops, missed that area, even less life-critical, Many Thanks!
(Can I construe the replacement of solid metal crowns with polymers and ceramics as a cosmetic change,
and therefore being in an area of overlap? :) )
Depends. Weren’t solid metal crowns often involved with mercury amalgams? Whenever mercury is involved with anything, I have an unshakeable suspicion that someone is being harmed somewhere. It’s a little like lead or a bloody body: maybe it’s perfectly innocent and there’s a reasonable explanation why you should not be worried by its presence… but don’t bet on it and call the police.
I thought the increase in cosmetic surgery prediction was also very accurate, even if the US is not yet competitive with (say) South Korea.
Oops, missed that area, even less life-critical, Many Thanks! (Can I construe the replacement of solid metal crowns with polymers and ceramics as a cosmetic change, and therefore being in an area of overlap? :) )
Depends. Weren’t solid metal crowns often involved with mercury amalgams? Whenever mercury is involved with anything, I have an unshakeable suspicion that someone is being harmed somewhere. It’s a little like lead or a bloody body: maybe it’s perfectly innocent and there’s a reasonable explanation why you should not be worried by its presence… but don’t bet on it and call the police.
Hmm—as far as I know, the metal crowns that I have didn’t require any mercury amalgams.