There is anecdotal evidence that creepiness is gendered, and all of the evidence on creepiness that I know of is anecdotal.
Anecdotal evidence might be affected by a gender-biased sample:
The communities where creepiness is common enough to be a salient issue are “geek” gatherings. People who attend comics conventions, LW meetups, etc., are mostly male. Therefore, even if the average female geek had the same probability of being a creep as the average male geek, you would know much more male geek creeps than female ones due to this base rate bias.
if creepiness was evidence of an infectious neurological disorder then we’d expect everyone to want to keep their distance from someone who has shown signs of creepiness. But instead, anecdata suggest that avoidance motivations are extremely strong for the creeped-on person, weaker for other people of the same sex as the creeped-on person, and weaker still for people of the opposite sex.
Sexual intercourse is a primary avenue of disease transmission, hence it would be plausible that the creepiness emotion is more salient in people who perceive the sexual interest of an uncanny person.
Anecdotal evidence might be affected by a gender-biased sample:
The communities where creepiness is common enough to be a salient issue are “geek” gatherings. People who attend comics conventions, LW meetups, etc., are mostly male. Therefore, even if the average female geek had the same probability of being a creep as the average male geek, you would know much more male geek creeps than female ones due to this base rate bias.
Sexual intercourse is a primary avenue of disease transmission, hence it would be plausible that the creepiness emotion is more salient in people who perceive the sexual interest of an uncanny person.