making money isn’t generally that hard, it’s more the time commitment that gets most people. the careers with the strongest average salary outlooks have well defined paths into them.
the traditional doctor and lawyer paths suck due to very high education costs, winner takes all effects (big drop off in salary outside of top 10 schools for both professions), and strong competition.
low risk high reward: any engineering discipline.
medium risk very high reward: math or physics degree and go into financial analysis.
both those scenarios seem to me to involve less work than I see my peers putting into law and medical school (followed by residencies/apprenticeship).
The latter. These are to be the guys (n’gals) that the rich donor funds to work on tough problems.
If you figure out which courses are most likely to make you be the rich donor, I’d be very interested to hear it!
making money isn’t generally that hard, it’s more the time commitment that gets most people. the careers with the strongest average salary outlooks have well defined paths into them. the traditional doctor and lawyer paths suck due to very high education costs, winner takes all effects (big drop off in salary outside of top 10 schools for both professions), and strong competition.
low risk high reward: any engineering discipline. medium risk very high reward: math or physics degree and go into financial analysis.
both those scenarios seem to me to involve less work than I see my peers putting into law and medical school (followed by residencies/apprenticeship).