I admire this approach, I look forward to checking out your results when I have a little more time! I would certainly try it. I also have considered doing a similar challenge where I attempt to learn and record a song every day for 30-odd days.
Yeah, but you can probably play an instrument and stuff ;-) I just have an excessively large record collection and thirty years’ pop music swilling around in my head …
I admire this approach, I look forward to checking out your results when I have a little more time! I would certainly try it. I also have considered doing a similar challenge where I attempt to learn and record a song every day for 30-odd days.
Yeah, but you can probably play an instrument and stuff ;-) I just have an excessively large record collection and thirty years’ pop music swilling around in my head …
Excessively large record collection is not to be sneezed at!