Hi, I haven’t posted here for years. I’m a philosopher. I think the most important philosophies are Critical Rationalism and Objectivism.
Questions: Do people here view ideas as having timeless importance, or do they largely ignore attempts to continue old discussions? And what are typical attitudes to stopping discussions here? Do people stop because they went to sleep or were busy for a few days, or do they silently stop when they think the other guy is wrong and don’t feel like arguing anymore, or do they actually write out some reason for stopping which itself open to discussion, or what? Do people care much about trying to reach conclusions in discussions and expect that to be achievable?
I tried posting at CMV but didn’t find anyone interesting. I generally look for any good individuals at forums. I have a ton of discussion experience and am familiar with people’s unwillingness to provide clear targets for possible criticism/refutation. Most people are also largely unwilling to answer direct questions in short, clear ways and unwilling to correct mistakes they made. E.g. I’ve routinely found people unwilling to correct misquotes (a type of mistake which is especially easy to judge objectively). Those are some of the reasons I try to focus on specific individuals who are better than that.
I’m not a Bayesian but I too take issue with agreeing to disagree. It’s ironic that the Aumann’s agreement theorem references Scott Aaronson about the possibility of rational people efficiently agreeing because he refused to discuss some points of disagreement with me (and did not claim I was being irrational as the reason).
I appreciate the list of Epistemic humility, Good faith, Confidence in the existence of objective truth, Curiosity and/or a desire to uncover truth. And I appreciate the idea of stating out loud that one is tapping out, though I’d often prefer to move the discussion to methodology instead of giving up immediately.
EDIT: BTW I’d be happy to answer an indefinitely long series of questions and arguments about my views if anyone here thinks they could point out anything I’m mistaken about.
Hi, I haven’t posted here for years. I’m a philosopher. I think the most important philosophies are Critical Rationalism and Objectivism.
Questions: Do people here view ideas as having timeless importance, or do they largely ignore attempts to continue old discussions? And what are typical attitudes to stopping discussions here? Do people stop because they went to sleep or were busy for a few days, or do they silently stop when they think the other guy is wrong and don’t feel like arguing anymore, or do they actually write out some reason for stopping which itself open to discussion, or what? Do people care much about trying to reach conclusions in discussions and expect that to be achievable?
Things worth noting:
people usually stop if they are bored yes.
it’s hard to get a concrete belief articulated to try to debate around it (see CMV on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/)
I tried posting at CMV but didn’t find anyone interesting. I generally look for any good individuals at forums. I have a ton of discussion experience and am familiar with people’s unwillingness to provide clear targets for possible criticism/refutation. Most people are also largely unwilling to answer direct questions in short, clear ways and unwilling to correct mistakes they made. E.g. I’ve routinely found people unwilling to correct misquotes (a type of mistake which is especially easy to judge objectively). Those are some of the reasons I try to focus on specific individuals who are better than that.
I’m not a Bayesian but I too take issue with agreeing to disagree. It’s ironic that the Aumann’s agreement theorem references Scott Aaronson about the possibility of rational people efficiently agreeing because he refused to discuss some points of disagreement with me (and did not claim I was being irrational as the reason).
I appreciate the list of Epistemic humility, Good faith, Confidence in the existence of objective truth, Curiosity and/or a desire to uncover truth. And I appreciate the idea of stating out loud that one is tapping out, though I’d often prefer to move the discussion to methodology instead of giving up immediately.
EDIT: BTW I’d be happy to answer an indefinitely long series of questions and arguments about my views if anyone here thinks they could point out anything I’m mistaken about.
Tapping out is not necessarily giving up. Someone else can tap in. but it’s saying “I have my reasons that I am not saying when I stop this here”
(1) Both, but necroing old threads is considered to be perfectly fine here;
(2) All of the above—depends on the people in question and on the topic being discussed.
(3) Generally speaking, yes and yes, with the caveat that sometimes the conclusion is “we are looking at this in fundamentally different ways”.