Fantasy-mode is completely obvious throughout these chapters, especially at the start of 52.
Which also makes me remember the titles of these chapters.
I originally thought the title was suggesting that we were going to explore the underlying motives of the Aurors/Dementors/prisoners… but the SPE has very little to do with prisons, really, and a lot to do with the ways in which people’s thinking and behavior gets distorted by the roles they adopt.
Much as Harry, as you point out, is distorting his own thinking by choosing the role of Noble Warrior in an Epic Fantasy.
I originally thought the title was suggesting that we were going to explore the underlying motives of the Aurors/Dementors/prisoners… but the SPE has very little to do with prisons, really, and a lot to do with the ways in which people’s thinking and behavior gets distorted by the roles they adopt.
(“I wish I could upvote this twice” deserves a shorthand around here.)
Which also makes me remember the titles of these chapters.
I originally thought the title was suggesting that we were going to explore the underlying motives of the Aurors/Dementors/prisoners… but the SPE has very little to do with prisons, really, and a lot to do with the ways in which people’s thinking and behavior gets distorted by the roles they adopt.
Much as Harry, as you point out, is distorting his own thinking by choosing the role of Noble Warrior in an Epic Fantasy.
(“I wish I could upvote this twice” deserves a shorthand around here.)