In part 3 of this thread people talked about the likely locations of 5 Horcruxes and the riddle that “Quirrell” mentions. Somebody mentioned the pun, the fact that canon!Voldemort’s mother named him Tom Marvolo Riddle. I don’t think anyone pointed out that he made himself the answer. ‘What exists in every Greek or magical element?’ Sounds like Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Canon!Voldemort infected historical artifacts with parts of himself because he valued, and wanted to see himself as the fruition of, the history of wizardry in general and Hogwarts in particular. (I think Rowling gave him a Gryffindor artifact in the form of Harry Potter in order to show that Voldemort’s evil existed in some form throughout that history and no House escaped completely.) MoR!Voldemort probably also values magical history, but sees it as part of a vastly larger whole. So he distributed his backups throughout the elements of reality as pictured in magical history. In so doing he happened to corrupt the Pioneer 11 plaque, but any message there seems like a function of his desire to rule humanity at least as much as his alleged admiration for the Pioneer program. If EY decided to continue Rowling’s metaphor, he probably locates the source of MoR!Voldemort’s evil in reality itself, or values drawn from archaic thinking, or both.
In part 3 of this thread people talked about the likely locations of 5 Horcruxes and the riddle that “Quirrell” mentions. Somebody mentioned the pun, the fact that canon!Voldemort’s mother named him Tom Marvolo Riddle. I don’t think anyone pointed out that he made himself the answer. ‘What exists in every Greek or magical element?’ Sounds like Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Canon!Voldemort infected historical artifacts with parts of himself because he valued, and wanted to see himself as the fruition of, the history of wizardry in general and Hogwarts in particular. (I think Rowling gave him a Gryffindor artifact in the form of Harry Potter in order to show that Voldemort’s evil existed in some form throughout that history and no House escaped completely.) MoR!Voldemort probably also values magical history, but sees it as part of a vastly larger whole. So he distributed his backups throughout the elements of reality as pictured in magical history. In so doing he happened to corrupt the Pioneer 11 plaque, but any message there seems like a function of his desire to rule humanity at least as much as his alleged admiration for the Pioneer program. If EY decided to continue Rowling’s metaphor, he probably locates the source of MoR!Voldemort’s evil in reality itself, or values drawn from archaic thinking, or both.