I’ve noted a general request to rot13 actual knowledge of future events, but that this does not cover speculation on future events or on possible reasons for past event.
I’ve seen only a specific request from EY on a specific post, but it wasn’t clear to me that this expanded the general rule.
EY has made such a special request for it, and most of the rot13 content here is in compliance with that particular request.
I’ve noted a general request to rot13 actual knowledge of future events, but that this does not cover speculation on future events or on possible reasons for past event.
I’ve seen only a specific request from EY on a specific post, but it wasn’t clear to me that this expanded the general rule.
Did I miss a critical point here?
My answer in more annoying rot13, to be very explicit:
Vg jnf erirnyrq ol RL va na nhgube’f abgr gung Dhveeryy vf Ibyqrzbeg, orpnhfr ur jnf sehfgengrq gung ur rkcrpgrq uvf ernqref gb vaghvg gung ohg fbzr crbcyr jrer abg trggvat vg. Ubjrire, ur’f orra pbaivaprq gung vg orvat nzovthbhf jurgure Dhveeryy vf Ibyqrzbeg vf n tbbq guvat, fb unf erzbirq gur nofheqyl oyngnag uvag ur oevrsyl nqqrq gb bar puncgre naq unf orra pbafvqrevat vg n fcbvyre rire fvapr. Nyfb eryngrq vf gur snpg gung Dhveeryy!zbeg ghearq gur Cvbarre cyndhr vagb n ubepehk.
Perfect, thanks for the clarification.
I will respond in kind to maintain that rule:
Vg vf snve sebz pnaba, naq bhgfvqr bs RL’f fgngrzragf gb nffhzr D=I. Ng yrnfg nf snve nf nal bgure fcrphyngvba va guvf sbehz. Fb V jbhyq nethr gung pbzzragf yvxr guvf bar sebz lbh ner vaureragyl serr sebz gung pbagnzvangvba, hayrff lbh ersre gb RL’f pbasvezngvba qverpgyl:
Just my opinion, perhaps we should let the lawyers fight it out. :)