How would this be done client side? Perhaps I’m misunderstanding the request, but to me it sounded like he wanted to have an option to vote to rot13 posts that you think are spoilers.
Edit: To clarify, the reason I think that’s what he meant is that he said it should appear next to the vote up/vote down buttons. Those only appear after you post. I suppose you could still have a client-side rot13 button down there, but it’d be a bit useless.
How would this be done client side? Perhaps I’m misunderstanding the request, but to me it sounded like he wanted to have an option to vote to rot13 posts that you think are spoilers.
Edit: To clarify, the reason I think that’s what he meant is that he said it should appear next to the vote up/vote down buttons. Those only appear after you post. I suppose you could still have a client-side rot13 button down there, but it’d be a bit useless.
You would use the button to un-rot13 spoilers that the poster had already rot13-ed. It would be for the convenience of the reader only.
The Firefox add-on is even better if it can rot13 inside TEXTAREAs, which is a convenience for the writer as well.
QuickROT sort of works inside text fields. Select, rightclick, QR, copy to clipboard, paste (your text has stayed selected).
The drawback is that QuickRot won’t appear for the same text more than once, even if it’s in a different text field in a different tab.