Everything seems right except I didn’t follow the definition of the regularizer. What is L2?
By L₂ I meant the Euclidian norm, measuring the distance between two different predictions of the next CameraState. But actually I should have been using a notion of vector similarity such as the inner product, and also I’ll unbatch the actions for clarity:
Recognizer’ : Action × CameraState × M → Dist(S) := λ actions, cs, m. softmax([⟨M(a,cs), (C∘T∘a)(hidden_state)⟩ ∀ hidden_state ∈ Camera⁻¹(cs)])
So the idea is to consider all possible hidden_states such that the Camera would display as the current CameraState cs, and create a probability distributions over those hidden_states, according to the similarity of M(a,cs) and (C∘T∘a)(hidden_state). Which is to say, how similar would the resulting CameraState be if I went the long way around, taking the hidden_state, applying my action, transition, and Camera functions.
The setup you describe is very similar to the way it is presented in Ontological crises.
Great, I’ll take a look.
All of our strategies involve introducing some extra structure, the human’s model, with state space S_H, where the map Camera_H : S_H→CameraState also throws out a lot of information.
Right so I wasn’t understanding the need for something like this, but now I think I see what is going on. I made an assumption above that I have some human value function H : S → Boolean. If I have some human internal state S_H, and I relax the human value function to H_V : S_H → Boolean, then the solution I have above falls apart, but here is another.
Now the goal is to create a function F from the machine state to human state, so that the human value function will compose with F to take machine states as input.
I am using all fresh variable names starting here.
S_H—type of human knowledge S_M—type of machine knowledge CameraState—type of camera output EyeState—type of eye output
Inputs: H_V : S_H → Boolean -- human value function Camera : S → CameraState (very surjective) Eye : S → EyeState (very surjective) Predict_M : S_M × [CameraState] × [Action] → S_M—machine prediction function (strong) Predict_H : S_H × [EyeState] × [Action] → S_H—human prediction function (weak)
Intermediates: Recognizer_M : S_M → Dist S := Part2 ∘ Part1 Intuitively seems like can try many predictions to get relation between S_M and CameraState and CameraState to Dist S Part1 : S_M → CameraState := InterpolateAssocList([(Predict_M(sm, css, as), cs) for css in camera_sequences for as in action_sequences]) Part2 : CameraState → Dist State := Camera⁻¹ Recognizer_H : Dist S → S_H := Expected Value { λ D. do s ← D. as ← actions. let es = Eye(s). Predict_H(Prior_H,[es],as) } where actions is a distribution over lists of actions. F : S_M → S_H := Recognizer_M ∘ Recognizer_H—function from machine to human state
Desired Output: Win : S_M → Boolean := H_V ∘ F—lift the value function to machine state
I didn’t follow some parts of the new algorithm. Probably most centrally: what is Dist(S)? Is this the type of distributions over real states of the world, and if so how do we have access to the true map Camera: S --> video? Based on that I likely have some other confusions, e.g. where are the camera_sequences and action_sequences coming from in the definition of Recognizer_M, what is the prior being used to define Camera−1, and don’t Recognizer_M and Recognizer_H effectively advance time a lot under some kind of arbitrary sequences of actions (making them unsuitable for exactly matching up states)?
F should be Recognizer_H ∘ Recognizer_M, rather than Recognizer_M ∘ Recognizer_H
In Recognizer_H, I don’t think you can take the expected value of a stochastic term of type SH, because SH doesn’t necessarily have convex structure. But, you could have Recognizer_H output Dist S_H instead of taking the ExpectedValue, and move the ExpectedValue into Win, and have Win output a probability rather than a Boolean.
Your types for Predict_M and Predict_H seem to not actually make testable predictions, because they output the opaque state types, and only take observations as inputs.
I’m also a bit confused about having them take lists of actions as a primitive notion. Don’t you want to ensure that, say, (Predict_M s css (as1++as2)) = (Predict_M (Predict_M s css as1) as2)? If so, I think it would make sense to accept only one action at a time, since that will uniquely characterize the necessary behavior on lists.
I don’t really understand Part1. For instance, where does the variable cs come from there?
Thank you for the fast response!
By L₂ I meant the Euclidian norm, measuring the distance between two different predictions of the next CameraState. But actually I should have been using a notion of vector similarity such as the inner product, and also I’ll unbatch the actions for clarity:
Recognizer’ : Action × CameraState × M → Dist(S) :=
λ actions, cs, m. softmax([⟨M(a,cs), (C∘T∘a)(hidden_state)⟩ ∀ hidden_state ∈ Camera⁻¹(cs)])
So the idea is to consider all possible hidden_states such that the Camera would display as the current CameraState cs, and create a probability distributions over those hidden_states, according to the similarity of M(a,cs) and (C∘T∘a)(hidden_state). Which is to say, how similar would the resulting CameraState be if I went the long way around, taking the hidden_state, applying my action, transition, and Camera functions.
Great, I’ll take a look.
Right so I wasn’t understanding the need for something like this, but now I think I see what is going on.
I made an assumption above that I have some human value function H : S → Boolean.
If I have some human internal state S_H, and I relax the human value function to H_V : S_H → Boolean, then the solution I have above falls apart, but here is another.
Now the goal is to create a function F from the machine state to human state, so that the human value function will compose with F to take machine states as input.
I am using all fresh variable names starting here.
S_H—type of human knowledge
S_M—type of machine knowledge
CameraState—type of camera output
EyeState—type of eye output
H_V : S_H → Boolean -- human value function
Camera : S → CameraState (very surjective)
Eye : S → EyeState (very surjective)
Predict_M : S_M × [CameraState] × [Action] → S_M—machine prediction function (strong)
Predict_H : S_H × [EyeState] × [Action] → S_H—human prediction function (weak)
Recognizer_M : S_M → Dist S := Part2 ∘ Part1
Intuitively seems like can try many predictions to get relation between S_M and CameraState and CameraState to Dist S
Part1 : S_M → CameraState :=
InterpolateAssocList([(Predict_M(sm, css, as), cs)
for css in camera_sequences for as in action_sequences])
Part2 : CameraState → Dist State := Camera⁻¹
Recognizer_H : Dist S → S_H :=
Expected Value { λ D. do s ← D. as ← actions. let es = Eye(s). Predict_H(Prior_H,[es],as) }
where actions is a distribution over lists of actions.
F : S_M → S_H := Recognizer_M ∘ Recognizer_H—function from machine to human state
Desired Output:
Win : S_M → Boolean := H_V ∘ F—lift the value function to machine state
I didn’t follow some parts of the new algorithm. Probably most centrally: what is Dist(S)? Is this the type of distributions over real states of the world, and if so how do we have access to the true map Camera: S --> video? Based on that I likely have some other confusions, e.g. where are the camera_sequences and action_sequences coming from in the definition of Recognizer_M, what is the prior being used to define Camera−1, and don’t Recognizer_M and Recognizer_H effectively advance time a lot under some kind of arbitrary sequences of actions (making them unsuitable for exactly matching up states)?
F should be Recognizer_H ∘ Recognizer_M, rather than Recognizer_M ∘ Recognizer_H
In Recognizer_H, I don’t think you can take the expected value of a stochastic term of type SH, because SH doesn’t necessarily have convex structure. But, you could have Recognizer_H output Dist S_H instead of taking the ExpectedValue, and move the ExpectedValue into Win, and have Win output a probability rather than a Boolean.
Your types for Predict_M and Predict_H seem to not actually make testable predictions, because they output the opaque state types, and only take observations as inputs.
I’m also a bit confused about having them take lists of actions as a primitive notion. Don’t you want to ensure that, say, (Predict_M s css (as1++as2)) = (Predict_M (Predict_M s css as1) as2)? If so, I think it would make sense to accept only one action at a time, since that will uniquely characterize the necessary behavior on lists.
I don’t really understand Part1. For instance, where does the variable
come from there?