Could someone clarify “tribe”? Is it synonymous with “established LW meetup”?
If so, I don’t know if I’ll be much help. If Andrew wants to brave the MN cold, there’s quite a few potential job options here: 3M, Honeywell, Boeing, BAE, Alliant Techsystems… I work at one of these and interned at another.
I’m considering MN to be low on the list, though (does 2 = tribe?); if so, then I’m not positive what I can offer as I haven’t moved much and can’t see being useful at finding out of state jobs.
If this moves to another medium (outside LW), I’d be happy to follow things over there and help if I can, though.
As an aside… I’ll be in Pheonix, AZ memorial day weekend… don’t know if you know anyone around there that you could go visit, but it’d be cool to meet you in person. I’m there for an in-law’s graduation and won’t have much travel leeway, unfortunately. Just thought I’d throw it out there...
In this case ‘tribe’ just means a group of peers he can relate to well and feel like part of a group with. That might be an established LW group or it might be something else.
I don’t know anyone in Pheonix, but try searching the discussion board for ‘pheonix’ and/or making a new post about it.
Thanks for the clarification. One option to find “tribes,” though unreliable, might be to search various cities with words like “rational,” “skeptics,” etc. I’m a member of the Minnesota Atheists meetup and get related suggestions for “Minnesota Skeptics” and “Humanists of Minnesota” and “Twin Cities FreeThinkers”—just a suggestion. and similar sites might reveal avenues to find similar-minded folks.
I may look into that. I was directing that bit at Andrew, as we have skyped and I thought he was around that neck of the woods. Far-ish, but closer than MN, that is :)
Agree with jsalvatier’s reply. Also, I think you could do a referral for 3M positions outside of MN. I probably wouldn’t mind MN, if there were a tribe there, except maybe the distance from family. (I actually slightly prefer coldness and sweat easily from heat even when not tired, although maybe that’s a thyroid issue I should resolve.)
Thanks for the clarification. As for tribes… not quite sure and trying to find that out myself, actually. There’s Minnesota Atheists, Humanists of MN, Minnesota Skeptics, and Twin Cities Atheists (not looking so active). Anyway, that’s about all I know—I’m trying to find a more regularly meeting “tribe” of my own, in fact!
Added: Yes, I can provide referrals, but I find that much easier to do when I know of the opening myself and can have a face to face recommendation based on first order relationships. While I can probably recommend for any plant/site in the country, I think my voice counts more for person-to-person cases. I was able to get a fellow university engineering grad a job in my very own group, in fact! Well, he pulled his own weight too and had to interview against several other candidates, but I like to think that my vouching counted for something.
Could someone clarify “tribe”? Is it synonymous with “established LW meetup”?
If so, I don’t know if I’ll be much help. If Andrew wants to brave the MN cold, there’s quite a few potential job options here: 3M, Honeywell, Boeing, BAE, Alliant Techsystems… I work at one of these and interned at another.
I’m considering MN to be low on the list, though (does 2 = tribe?); if so, then I’m not positive what I can offer as I haven’t moved much and can’t see being useful at finding out of state jobs.
If this moves to another medium (outside LW), I’d be happy to follow things over there and help if I can, though.
As an aside… I’ll be in Pheonix, AZ memorial day weekend… don’t know if you know anyone around there that you could go visit, but it’d be cool to meet you in person. I’m there for an in-law’s graduation and won’t have much travel leeway, unfortunately. Just thought I’d throw it out there...
In this case ‘tribe’ just means a group of peers he can relate to well and feel like part of a group with. That might be an established LW group or it might be something else.
I don’t know anyone in Pheonix, but try searching the discussion board for ‘pheonix’ and/or making a new post about it.
Edit: There’s a meetup group! Arrange to meet them!
Thanks for the clarification. One option to find “tribes,” though unreliable, might be to search various cities with words like “rational,” “skeptics,” etc. I’m a member of the Minnesota Atheists meetup and get related suggestions for “Minnesota Skeptics” and “Humanists of Minnesota” and “Twin Cities FreeThinkers”—just a suggestion. and similar sites might reveal avenues to find similar-minded folks.
Well, i’ve started a LW meetup for my area … hoping to draw some more rationalsts out of the woodwork.
That’s an excellent suggestion.
I may look into that. I was directing that bit at Andrew, as we have skyped and I thought he was around that neck of the woods. Far-ish, but closer than MN, that is :)
Agree with jsalvatier’s reply. Also, I think you could do a referral for 3M positions outside of MN. I probably wouldn’t mind MN, if there were a tribe there, except maybe the distance from family. (I actually slightly prefer coldness and sweat easily from heat even when not tired, although maybe that’s a thyroid issue I should resolve.)
Thanks for the clarification. As for tribes… not quite sure and trying to find that out myself, actually. There’s Minnesota Atheists, Humanists of MN, Minnesota Skeptics, and Twin Cities Atheists (not looking so active). Anyway, that’s about all I know—I’m trying to find a more regularly meeting “tribe” of my own, in fact!
Added: Yes, I can provide referrals, but I find that much easier to do when I know of the opening myself and can have a face to face recommendation based on first order relationships. While I can probably recommend for any plant/site in the country, I think my voice counts more for person-to-person cases. I was able to get a fellow university engineering grad a job in my very own group, in fact! Well, he pulled his own weight too and had to interview against several other candidates, but I like to think that my vouching counted for something.