If the process of self-improving AIs like described in an simple article by Tim Urban (below) is mastered, then the AI alignment problem is solved.
I would say this has causality backwards. In other words, one of the ways of solving the AI alignment problem is figuring out how to master the plausibly extremely complex process necessary to successfully implement a strategy that can be pointed to in a simple article.
research on AI, ON ETHICS, and coding changes into itself
As I understand it, the vast majority of the difficulty is in figuring out what the second goal in that list actually is, and how to make an AI care about it. Keep in mind that in so many cases we humans are still arguing about the same questions, answers, and frameworks that we’ve been debating for millennia.
I would say this has causality backwards. In other words, one of the ways of solving the AI alignment problem is figuring out how to master the plausibly extremely complex process necessary to successfully implement a strategy that can be pointed to in a simple article.
As I understand it, the vast majority of the difficulty is in figuring out what the second goal in that list actually is, and how to make an AI care about it. Keep in mind that in so many cases we humans are still arguing about the same questions, answers, and frameworks that we’ve been debating for millennia.