If your existence depends on X, there are two possibilities: you observe X, you observe nothing
If your existence doesn’t depend on X but you have some other way of observing whether X is true, the possibilities are: you observe X, you observe not X.
Do you think that observing X provides different information about something else in these two cases?
Slight double-meaning in the word observing:
When I said “if you weren’t alive you wouldn’t be observing” I meant you wouldn’t be seeing whether you were alive or not.
When you said “If X wasn’t true you wouldn’t be observing X” you meant you wouldn’t be seeing that X is true.
I’m finding my second paragraph surprisingly hard to reword.
If your existence depends on X, there are two possibilities: you observe X, you observe nothing
If your existence doesn’t depend on X but you have some other way of observing whether X is true, the possibilities are: you observe X, you observe not X.
Do you think that observing X provides different information about something else in these two cases?