Regarding my own workflow, unfortunately I would still have to go through external software most of the time. This is because most of my posts are latex-heavy, and it’s impractical to wait for LessWrong to render a latex-heavy post every time you make and edit and want to see how it came out. Instead, I write the post in LyX[1] while using (inoperative) markdown syntax (e.g. asterisks for italics) and copy it to LessWrong in the end, with appropriate editing (mostly a bunch of “replace all”).
Nice work!
Regarding my own workflow, unfortunately I would still have to go through external software most of the time. This is because most of my posts are latex-heavy, and it’s impractical to wait for LessWrong to render a latex-heavy post every time you make and edit and want to see how it came out. Instead, I write the post in LyX[1] while using (inoperative) markdown syntax (e.g. asterisks for italics) and copy it to LessWrong in the end, with appropriate editing (mostly a bunch of “replace all”).
Previously used BaKoMa TeX which is unfortunately no longer supported.
Thanks for that detail, that’s helpful to know!