So you’d dismiss any work based on the return on investment ratio?
What is the alternative? Reading and thinking about literally everything is not an option, because time is limited.
If your ideas are difficult to read because you are not good at writing clearly, you have my sympathies. But if you want readership, you have to learn to write better.
However, if you write unclearly on purpose, well… I can imagine various reasons to do so, but I have negative reaction to most of them. For example, making your ideas less clear can be a defense against falsification (if you never say “X”, only hint towards it, people who agree with X will give you credit, while people do disagree with X may give you the benefit of doubt that perhaps you actually meant something else). Or it could be a blatant status move (I am so important that spending 3 hours trying to decipher my article is still the best use of 3 hours of your time).
What is the alternative? Reading and thinking about literally everything is not an option, because time is limited.
If your ideas are difficult to read because you are not good at writing clearly, you have my sympathies. But if you want readership, you have to learn to write better.
However, if you write unclearly on purpose, well… I can imagine various reasons to do so, but I have negative reaction to most of them. For example, making your ideas less clear can be a defense against falsification (if you never say “X”, only hint towards it, people who agree with X will give you credit, while people do disagree with X may give you the benefit of doubt that perhaps you actually meant something else). Or it could be a blatant status move (I am so important that spending 3 hours trying to decipher my article is still the best use of 3 hours of your time).