It is possible that the comment was banned by a moderator rather than deleted by the author. (If so, it will still appear if you look at the user’s comment page.)
After retraction EDIT: TimS. I can’t seem to delete this comment even after refreshing.
As it happens, I remember what Eugine_Nier wrote, and I am certain it did not meet the local criteria for mod-blocking.
(Anonymous downvoter: What is it in wedrifid’s post you’d like to see less of? Helpful commentary about the mechanics of this site is not on my list of things to downvote).
As it happens, I remember what Eugine_Nier wrote, and I am certain it did not meet the local criteria for mod-blocking.
Interesting. This suggests that a feature has changed at some point since the retraction-then-delete feature was first implemented. (I have memories of needing to be careful to edit the text to blank then retract so as to best emulate the missing ‘delete’ feature.)
I notice that I am confused. Investigates.
Testing deletion feature. Deletion of (grandparent) comment that you have already replied to: Fail. It is still not (usually) possible to delete comments with replies.
Check for moderator deletion. (ie. Moderator use of the ban feature, actual delete per se is extremely rare). Confirm absence of a reply on Eugine_Nier’s page that fits that part of history. The comment is, indeed, deleted not banned.
Check timestamps for plausibility of race condition. Ahh. Yes. Tim, you replied to Eugine within 3 minutes of him writing the comment. This means that most likely Eugine deleted his message while you were writing your reply. Your comment was still permitted to be made despite the deleted parent. The reverse order may also be possible, depending on the details of implementation. Either way, the principle is the same.
ArisKatsaris suggests browser refresh, not timestamps, is the issue.
He is describing the same phenomenon. The timestamps give an indication as to how likely the race condition is to occur based on the delays between GETs and POSTs. If the comments were a day apart I would have tentatively suggested “Perhaps one of you deleted or replied to a comments page that was old?”. Whereas given that the timestamps were within 3 minutes I could more or less definitively declare the question solved.
It is possible that the comment was banned by a moderator rather than deleted by the author. (If so, it will still appear if you look at the user’s comment page.)
After retraction EDIT: TimS. I can’t seem to delete this comment even after refreshing.
As it happens, I remember what Eugine_Nier wrote, and I am certain it did not meet the local criteria for mod-blocking.
(Anonymous downvoter: What is it in wedrifid’s post you’d like to see less of? Helpful commentary about the mechanics of this site is not on my list of things to downvote).
Interesting. This suggests that a feature has changed at some point since the retraction-then-delete feature was first implemented. (I have memories of needing to be careful to edit the text to blank then retract so as to best emulate the missing ‘delete’ feature.)
I notice that I am confused. Investigates.
Testing deletion feature. Deletion of (grandparent) comment that you have already replied to: Fail. It is still not (usually) possible to delete comments with replies.
Check for moderator deletion. (ie. Moderator use of the ban feature, actual delete per se is extremely rare). Confirm absence of a reply on Eugine_Nier’s page that fits that part of history. The comment is, indeed, deleted not banned.
Check timestamps for plausibility of race condition. Ahh. Yes. Tim, you replied to Eugine within 3 minutes of him writing the comment. This means that most likely Eugine deleted his message while you were writing your reply. Your comment was still permitted to be made despite the deleted parent. The reverse order may also be possible, depending on the details of implementation. Either way, the principle is the same.
ArisKatsaris suggests browser refresh, not timestamps, is the issue.
He is describing the same phenomenon. The timestamps give an indication as to how likely the race condition is to occur based on the delays between GETs and POSTs. If the comments were a day apart I would have tentatively suggested “Perhaps one of you deleted or replied to a comments page that was old?”. Whereas given that the timestamps were within 3 minutes I could more or less definitively declare the question solved.
Thanks. I’m not technologically fluent enough to tell the difference between what you said and what he said without the explanation.
For the record, I did in fact delete the comment.