Should be fixed now.
OK, I’ve downloaded it and… it seems to be a letter to the editor about Godfrey’s article, but not the actual article?
That struck me as odd too, but I checked whether it matched the citation you gave me. I’ll request a scan of the actual article.
Did it ever come in?
Yes, but I’m not finding it in my drop box right now. I’ll check my other folder when I get home.
I’ve re requested this.
Should be fixed now.
OK, I’ve downloaded it and… it seems to be a letter to the editor about Godfrey’s article, but not the actual article?
That struck me as odd too, but I checked whether it matched the citation you gave me. I’ll request a scan of the actual article.
Did it ever come in?
Yes, but I’m not finding it in my drop box right now. I’ll check my other folder when I get home.
I’ve re requested this.