One answer is that it might be soon enough that it’s very much like right now, and so any contemporary fiction could do. Another is that “the future is already here, just unevenly distributed”, and extrapolation can give you credible stories (so long as they’re not set too close to an AI lab).
On longer-timelines views, a prerequisite to writing such a novel would be accurately forecasting the trajectory of AI research and deployment right up to the end. This is generally seen as rather difficult.
One answer is that it might be soon enough that it’s very much like right now, and so any contemporary fiction could do. Another is that “the future is already here, just unevenly distributed”, and extrapolation can give you credible stories (so long as they’re not set too close to an AI lab).
On longer-timelines views, a prerequisite to writing such a novel would be accurately forecasting the trajectory of AI research and deployment right up to the end. This is generally seen as rather difficult.