Interesting, how does Oslo do it? What are the infrastructure changes required?
Partly street design to reduce speeding, partly encouraging other mode shares over private cars (see e.g. here )
(Disclaimer: I’m ideological about disliking cars, which makes me less objective than I’d usually prefer to be on LW)
I wouldn’t fret too much about bias here. It’s hard to incorrectly read “0”. :)
Thanks for linking to a source.
Interesting, how does Oslo do it? What are the infrastructure changes required?
Partly street design to reduce speeding, partly encouraging other mode shares over private cars (see e.g. here )
(Disclaimer: I’m ideological about disliking cars, which makes me less objective than I’d usually prefer to be on LW)
I wouldn’t fret too much about bias here. It’s hard to incorrectly read “0”. :)
Thanks for linking to a source.