An excellent exercise! There’s also a meta-question which shows up in how you choose to frame the questions. There’s an implication underneath “should”, “appropriate”, “proper”, “good”, and other glosses you chose for that archetype that they reference—the thing they point at tends to make new handles for itself if you taboo the existing ones, and tends to resist rigorous formal definition. However, trying on potential definitions for it can nevertheless un-ask or reframe most questions that rely on it.
An excellent exercise! There’s also a meta-question which shows up in how you choose to frame the questions. There’s an implication underneath “should”, “appropriate”, “proper”, “good”, and other glosses you chose for that archetype that they reference—the thing they point at tends to make new handles for itself if you taboo the existing ones, and tends to resist rigorous formal definition. However, trying on potential definitions for it can nevertheless un-ask or reframe most questions that rely on it.