See also Ends Don’t Justify Means (Among Humans): having non-consequentialist rules (e.g. “Thou shalt not murder, even if it seems like a good idea”) can be consequentially desirable since we’re not capable of being ideal consequentialists.
Oh, indeed. But when you’ve repeatedly emphasised “shut up and multiply”, tacking “btw don’t do anything weird” on the end strikes me as susceptible to your readers not heeding it, particularly when they really need to.
See also Ends Don’t Justify Means (Among Humans): having non-consequentialist rules (e.g. “Thou shalt not murder, even if it seems like a good idea”) can be consequentially desirable since we’re not capable of being ideal consequentialists.
Oh, indeed. But when you’ve repeatedly emphasised “shut up and multiply”, tacking “btw don’t do anything weird” on the end strikes me as susceptible to your readers not heeding it, particularly when they really need to.