I haven’t thought much about it! I look forward to reading your article.
My point above was simply that even if my whole species acted like me, there would still be plenty of room left in the Universe for a diversity of goods. Barring a truly epic FOOM, the things humans do in the near future aren’t going to directly starve other civilizations out of a chance to get the things they want. That makes me feel better about going after the things I want.
I haven’t thought much about it! I look forward to reading your article.
My point above was simply that even if my whole species acted like me, there would still be plenty of room left in the Universe for a diversity of goods. Barring a truly epic FOOM, the things humans do in the near future aren’t going to directly starve other civilizations out of a chance to get the things they want. That makes me feel better about going after the things I want.