The result in the paper is “No theory satisfies the three assumptions (Q, C, S).”
The table in the paper says that MWI violates assumption S and is ”?” on the other two assumptions.
Unsurprisingly, when I look at the assumptions they all seem wrong or incoherent, depending on how you make the fuzzy statements precise. I’d guess most LW-ers are in a similar place (as are most quantum computing people probably), so this wouldn’t really change any minds around here.
(Also their discussion of many-worlds sounds a bit silly. Nowhere in their table of interpretations is the natural one, “the wavefunction is all there is.”)
The result in the paper is “No theory satisfies the three assumptions (Q, C, S).”
The table in the paper says that MWI violates assumption S and is ”?” on the other two assumptions.
Unsurprisingly, when I look at the assumptions they all seem wrong or incoherent, depending on how you make the fuzzy statements precise. I’d guess most LW-ers are in a similar place (as are most quantum computing people probably), so this wouldn’t really change any minds around here.
(Also their discussion of many-worlds sounds a bit silly. Nowhere in their table of interpretations is the natural one, “the wavefunction is all there is.”)