I will not experience any effects of whatever changes I work upon the world using my death, nor what happens to my loved ones should I die without my affairs in order. Après moi, le dèluge.
Insofar as it’s possible, I try to actually enact the “sorry, but you’ve only got about 70 years to live” thing, but with a time horizon twenty times longer, that looks a lot more like a normal life than it does like the “go skydiving” option for when you’ve got a six-month diagnosis.
I will not experience any effects of whatever changes I work upon the world using my death, nor what happens to my loved ones should I die without my affairs in order. Après moi, le dèluge.
Insofar as it’s possible, I try to actually enact the “sorry, but you’ve only got about 70 years to live” thing, but with a time horizon twenty times longer, that looks a lot more like a normal life than it does like the “go skydiving” option for when you’ve got a six-month diagnosis.