Putting this here for posterity: I have thought since the superconductor preprint went up, and continue to think, that the markets are putting generally too little probability on the claims being basically-true. I thought ~70% after reading the preprint the day it went up (and bought up a market on manifold to ~60% based on that, though I soon regretted not waiting for a better price), and my probability has mostly been in the 40-70% range since then.
Putting this here for posterity: I have thought since the superconductor preprint went up, and continue to think, that the markets are putting generally too little probability on the claims being basically-true. I thought ~70% after reading the preprint the day it went up (and bought up a market on manifold to ~60% based on that, though I soon regretted not waiting for a better price), and my probability has mostly been in the 40-70% range since then.
After seeing the markets jump up in response to the latest, I think I’m more like 65-80%.