Meetup : LW Copenhagen: December Meetup
Discussion article for the meetup : LW Copenhagen: December Meetup
Hey all,
It’s been a while (I’ve been out of the country a lot), but I’m back it Copenhagen for a bit and we ought to have another meet up. I’m going to call one for:
Saturday, 20th December 3:00pm Studenterhuset
Topic: Life Strategicness + Social
We’ll spend some time on strategising aspects of our lives, be it in small or large ways (, debugging some questions—all with a bit of wisdom from CFAR—and then relaxing in the great environs that Studenterhuset offers.
Cheers, Ruby
What language do you use in the meetups? I’m thinking of coming, but I don’t speak Danish, only English and Swedish.
How many are comming to this event? Is there a page on
No page on, I’m afraid.