I think there’s a smidge more content than you’re saying: a claim that the other side is doing the same thing. Of course, when they do it, it’s disgraceful.
To me it seems like he accused the other side (everyone who disagrees with him, because they are all the same) of lying. That’s what makes it right to ignore their arguments.
That part goes like this—Sometimes it seems that the enemy arguments make sense, that some of their valuesare important for us too, so perhaps we should listen to what they say. Nonsense! The enemies are pure evil, they share none of our values. They just sometimes use our words to mislead us, but they “don’t believe a word of it. Not one fucking word.” (the last part = quotation)
What an unfortunate epistemic state. Especially unfortunate for other people who share the same planet.
I think there’s a smidge more content than you’re saying: a claim that the other side is doing the same thing. Of course, when they do it, it’s disgraceful.
To me it seems like he accused the other side (everyone who disagrees with him, because they are all the same) of lying. That’s what makes it right to ignore their arguments.
That part goes like this—Sometimes it seems that the enemy arguments make sense, that some of their values are important for us too, so perhaps we should listen to what they say. Nonsense! The enemies are pure evil, they share none of our values. They just sometimes use our words to mislead us, but they “don’t believe a word of it. Not one fucking word.” (the last part = quotation)
What an unfortunate epistemic state. Especially unfortunate for other people who share the same planet.