I don’t like the idea of being labeled a “political blogger” (I don’t think I wrote anything about the election or its run-up), but it’s hard to deny that politics is discussed a lot at my blog and I don’t really have any other forte I could claim to displace it. I could defend myself by linking to Razib Khan on how many of the “science” blogs on his old blogroll spend most of their time discussing politics (generally, politically inflected atheism), but for one who accepts “politics is the mind-killer” that’s just a “but they do it too”. The post you link to could be construed as “sociological” rather than “political” and would be relevant in an alternate universe without politics.
A political blogger, here’s a taste.
I don’t like the idea of being labeled a “political blogger” (I don’t think I wrote anything about the election or its run-up), but it’s hard to deny that politics is discussed a lot at my blog and I don’t really have any other forte I could claim to displace it. I could defend myself by linking to Razib Khan on how many of the “science” blogs on his old blogroll spend most of their time discussing politics (generally, politically inflected atheism), but for one who accepts “politics is the mind-killer” that’s just a “but they do it too”. The post you link to could be construed as “sociological” rather than “political” and would be relevant in an alternate universe without politics.
Sorry for the labeling then. In any case, I like your writings a lot.
Just because I don’t like the label, doesn’t mean it’s inapt!
The argument reminded me of a line I heard: