The mistake daenerys is actually fairly common. She wants to talk to some “sane” MRA people, where by “sane” she means ones who more-or-less agree with her. The problem is that real Men’s Rights Advocates don’t agree with her positions, so she finds people who do who are talking about men and declares them the “sane MRA faction”.
That was my first thought as well. I like both projects a lot, but I wouldn’t have placed them in the MRA sphere.
The mistake daenerys is actually fairly common. She wants to talk to some “sane” MRA people, where by “sane” she means ones who more-or-less agree with her. The problem is that real Men’s Rights Advocates don’t agree with her positions, so she finds people who do who are talking about men and declares them the “sane MRA faction”.
Note that this can be a rhetorical strategy as well as an honest mistake! (I make no claims about what was going through particular posters’ heads.)