Alas, I went through one of their questionaires, and I really didn’t like how after 4 questions I could just predict the right answer universally by just guessing “the most optimistic” answer. Felt like the quiz had an agenda and was likely selecting questions whose answers were heavily leaning in that specific direction.
I’d guesstimate it about 90% “things people are too pessimistic on”, 10% “things people are too optimistic on”. They definitely cherry-picked to make a point, but then any compression of world events into a handful of statistics is going to be lossy in some direction or another. is extremely nifty.
Alas, I went through one of their questionaires, and I really didn’t like how after 4 questions I could just predict the right answer universally by just guessing “the most optimistic” answer. Felt like the quiz had an agenda and was likely selecting questions whose answers were heavily leaning in that specific direction.
I’d guesstimate it about 90% “things people are too pessimistic on”, 10% “things people are too optimistic on”. They definitely cherry-picked to make a point, but then any compression of world events into a handful of statistics is going to be lossy in some direction or another.