Leetcode has been goodharted long past the point where what it is selecting for has any signal.
Yes, Leetcoding is essentially unrelated to actual software engineering, but isn’t one’s Leetcoding ability also an indirect test of intelligence + conscientiousness? I doubt that it’s the entire industry standard only because it’s fashionable.
Intelligence—there may be a small amount of correlation
conscientiousness—no. LC is competitive programming, a sport where you memorize from a finite amount of patterns and practice sloppy methods of coding to minimize typing.
Someone did a survey of users’ IQs and CodeForce scores and the results showed that IQ might have a slight positive correlation with competitive programming ability.
So consistent with “a small amount of correlation”. The biggest correlation is competitive programming practice.
So you now have to maintain 2 skillsets—the one for the job, and a second one to remain employable.
And then each interview spend many hours “battling” for each offer, since even if you are an expert you can get unlucky or get ghosted after passing for unclear reasons that may be illegal discrimination you can’t prove.
It’s dumb.
But yeah, maybe not as bad as the lawyer interview process, where it’s basically the reputation of your school and word of mouth and how good you are at golf or something.
Yes, Leetcoding is essentially unrelated to actual software engineering, but isn’t one’s Leetcoding ability also an indirect test of intelligence + conscientiousness? I doubt that it’s the entire industry standard only because it’s fashionable.
Intelligence—there may be a small amount of correlation conscientiousness—no. LC is competitive programming, a sport where you memorize from a finite amount of patterns and practice sloppy methods of coding to minimize typing.
Someone did a survey of users’ IQs and CodeForce scores and the results showed that IQ might have a slight positive correlation with competitive programming ability.
So consistent with “a small amount of correlation”. The biggest correlation is competitive programming practice.
So you now have to maintain 2 skillsets—the one for the job, and a second one to remain employable.
And then each interview spend many hours “battling” for each offer, since even if you are an expert you can get unlucky or get ghosted after passing for unclear reasons that may be illegal discrimination you can’t prove.
It’s dumb.
But yeah, maybe not as bad as the lawyer interview process, where it’s basically the reputation of your school and word of mouth and how good you are at golf or something.